vintage sunshine cake

Crisco’s purity and sweetness are reflected in every department of the scrupulously clean, bright factory in which it is made. Each condition surrounding and safe-guarding its manufacture is ideal. No kitchen in the land is cleaner than the modern home of Crisco.

The Crisco building stands quite alone in well kept grounds. Floods of sunshine stream through broad expanses of glass upon an immaculate equipment. Floors, walls and pillars are of white tile. The machinery is white enameled and nickeled. The floors are of terrazzo.

Criso is the rich cream of highest grade cottonseed oil, filtered, sterlized by high heat and given proper consistency by the addition of pure hydrogen. The details of this process are controlled exclusively by The Procter & Gamble Co., and Crisco cannot be made by anyone else.

The making and packing of Crisco is a pleasing picture. All employees are dressed in white and their clothes are changed daily. No human hands ever touch Crisco. It comes to you always the same-dependable, free from impurities, a clean product from a clean factory.

Vintage Sunshine Cake

A Culinary Triumph in which Crisco Gives Tasty Results

2 cupfuls flour
2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
1/4 teaspoonful salt
4 tablespoons Crisco
1/2 cupful sugar
4 egg yolks
1/2 cupful milk
1 teaspoonful lemon juice (orange juice may be substituted for milk)
(use level measurements)

Sift the dry ingredients together. Cream the Crisco and add sugar gradually, creaming after each addition. Beat the yolks until light and foamy. Add to the creamed Crisco and sugar. Add flour and liquid alternately. Bake from 15-20 minutes.


See Old Fashioned Apple Muffins.