Women Choose Goodyears
We have implicit faith in feminine thirft and saving and sense of value.
And we have also an infinite faith in the superior goodness of Goodyear Tires.
If the one can only be focused upon the other-then Goodyear Tires will surely be supreme in the American home.
Women are invariably better buyers than men, because they take time, and find out, and will not be put off.
The larger the part they play in choosing the tire, the surer we shall be that the final choice and permanent one will be the Goodyear.
Men and women together buy a greater number of Goodyear Tires than they buy of any other brand.
But we want that Goodyear leadership to grow greater and greater under feminine guidance.
So Goodyear service stations are trying to show women everywhere how Goodyear Tires can be made to last longer.
These service stations are anxious and eager to so-operate with them in getting the greater mileage and cutting down the tire cost.
The little things which husband, or son, or father will not take the trouble to have done may add indefinitely to the life of your Goodyear.
Let this be one of your housewifely prerogatives-to save the tire pennies the head of the house disdains-to add the mileage which he may waste through thoughtlessness.
But above all, acquaint yourself with Goodyear advantages-inquire into the subject with your unfailing feminine instinct and intuition.
Therein rest our high hopes of always being first in the tire thoughts of your home-for to know Goodyears is to prefer them.