
I miss some 1970s shampoos.

I discovered that The Vermont Country Store still sells Lemon Up and Gee Your Hair Smells terrific for any other diehard fans out there.

In the 70s, brands were starting to promote washing your hair daily. So there were a lot of shampoos on the market. Many of which boasted using natural ingredients such as egg, honey, herbs, etc.

I remember people seemed to have shinier hair back then. Not because I’m older now and have color treated hair. I mean in general (not just on TV or in ads). I came across a column from 1908 on how to shampoo the hair. In the article, hair specialists were encouraging washing the hair once every two weeks up from every 4-6 weeks. Yikes!

I was doing some reading on modern shampoo ingredients, too. I suppose it’s not surprising there’s a trend to not use shampoo at all.  Many people have tried “no-poo,” meaning they use baking soda and water (some use a paste) to wash their hair and apple cider vinegar to rinse. I’ve tried vinegar as a rinse and I didn’t like it.

Dermatologists typically recommend using shampoo two-three times a week which seems a good balance, but I wash mine more often because I like the shampoo scent and don’t like when my hair looks matted down. I do like dry shampoo for in between washing, too, but don’t buy it often enough. Dry shampoo was very popular in the 70s, too.

Which shampoo was your favorite? Which is your favorite now? Which shampoos from the 1970s did I leave out?

Hover over the image for the names in case you’ve forgotten them.