The charm of the Colonial is the inspiration for many of the most beautiful homes of today.
Fortunately the return to white and mahogany comes at a time when almost every housekeeper knows the easy, successful way to take care of finely finished woodwork and furniture.
Like most other articles that cannot be cleaned safely or satisfactorily by ordinary methods, enameled wood trim and choice pieces of cabinet work require only the judicious application of Ivory Soap to look their best.
Ivory soap removes the dirt without harming the finish. Its mild, white, pure, neutral lather does nothing but cleanse. Being free from alkali and all harsh chemicals, it is perfectly safe. Being free from unsaponified oil, it leaves no greasy film.
Just the usual care which common sense suggests when applying water to a finished wood wurface-lukewarm sudes, dampening only a small part at a time, prompt drying with a chamois skin, unsures success with Ivory Soap.
Directions for cleaning over a hundred articles not ordinarily washed with soap and water are included in this booklet “Unusual Uses of Ivory Soap”. Thousands of women have found it very helpful. You have a copy. It is free.
PDF: Unusual Uses of Ivory Soap.
- The Story of a Pantry Shelf 1925
- The Story of a Pantry Shelf 1925
- The Story of a Pantry Shelf 1925
- The Story of a Pantry Shelf 1925