A-B-C of POtato Cookery

Angel Potatoes

Slice potatoes lengthwise about a quarter of an inch thick. Have plenty of lard very hot on the stove. Put in potatoes a few at a time and cook till about half done. Drain on paper and place in a dish on ice till thoroughly chilled. Heat lard very hot again and fry potatoes a few at a time. Drain and salt to taste.

Baked Potatoes

Peel about five good sized potatoes; wash and slice them thin and put about half of them in a pan. Sprinkle salt and pepper over them, also butter size of an egg. Put the other sliced potatoes on them with salt, pepper and butter again, then pour on them enough milk to cover; put in hot oven and cook one hour.

Creamed Potatoes

Put one tablespoon of butter in a frying pan, and when it bubbles, add one tablespoon of flour. Add one cup of hot milk, with salt and pepper to taste. Add one pint of cold boiled potatoes, cut into small dice. Cook until thoroughly hot.

Doughnut Potatoes

Six large potatoes, two cups of sugar, butter size of an egg, three eggs, six cups of flour, six teaspoons of baking powder. Sixty doughnuts can be made from this recipe. Boil potatoes, mash finely and cool them. Sift flour and baking powder together, then rub butter finely into them. Add sugar, potatoes and eggs, well beaten. Mix thoroughly, knead lightly on floured baking board, roll out and cut out with ring cutter. Fry a few at a time in plenty of smoking hot fat.

Escalloped Potatoes

Peel and slice thin the amount of potatoes required; let them lie in cold water for half an hour. Drain and put in baking dish in a layer. Sprinkle with salt, celery salt and pepper; dot with bits of butter. Put in another layer of potatoes; continue until all of the potatoes are used. Pour in enough milk to nearly cover top of potatoes. Do not cover them with milk. Bake an hour or more.

French Potato

Six large boiled potatoes, one cup of rich milk, butter size of an egg, one sliced fried onion, salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. Some pastry. Boil and rice the potatoes; add milk, butter and seasonings together with the sliced onion fried in a little butter to a golden brown. Beat all well together. Line a deep dish (pie pan) with pastry; fill it up with the potato mixture, put on the top crust and bake in a moderate oven until ready.

German Potato Salad

Boil six good sized potatoes, peel and slice while hot and pour over the following: Cut half a pound of lean bacon in small dice and fry brown. Season potatoes with salt, pepper and finely sliced onion. Mix thoroughly with the bacon fat and dice, then add half a cup of white vinegar. Garnish with sliced hard boiled eggs.

Hot Potato Salad

Fry two slices of bacon in a pan until very crisp and all fat fried out. Add two tablespoons of vinegar. Arrange lettuce leaves around a platter. Slice six hot boiled potatoes in thin slices, heap in the center. Pour bacon fat and vinegar over them, sprinkle with salt and pepper, add chopped parsley, serve with sausages.

Italian Potatoes

Boiled potatoes put in a saucepan and mashed; add one ounce of butter, piece of bread the size of a roll (no crust); soak in milk: add two tablespoons of milk to form a paste, three yolks and three whites of eggs beaten stiff; season with salt and pepper and a little nutmeg; mix well and pile high in baking dish and pour over melted butter and grated cheese. Place in oven about 10 minutes to brown. Serve.

Jochmus Special Fry

Peel, wash and chop fine, the amount of raw potatoes required. Season highly with salt, celery salt, onion salt, pepper and paprika. Chop in separate bowl, one slice or raw ham (fat removed) and mix with potatoes in plenty of olive oil with a teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce until well browned.

Kentucky Scalloped Potatoes

Peel and slice raw potatoes thin as for frying. Butter an earthen dish; put in a layer of season with pepper and salt, little pieces of butter and a little onion chopped fine. Continue in this way until the dish is filled.  Just before putting it in the oven, pour over a quart of hot milk. Bake three quarters of a of an hour.

Louisiana Stuffed Potatoes

Select smooth potatoes of uniform size and bake. When done, cut carefully in two. Scoop out the insides without breaking the skins. Mash the potato season with salt and pepper, add a lump of butter and a little milk or cream. Fill the shells and place in baking pan. Return to a hot oven until the tops are a delicate brown. If potatoes are small cut off one end and scoop out insides.

Maitre d’Hotel Potatoes

Boil, peel and cut into slices; place in a saucepan with one ounce or butter and a pinch of chopped parsley; season with salt and pepper and a pinch of nutmeg and the juice of half a lemon; warm all together, toss well and add half a cup of cream; beat slightly and serve.

Nut and Potato Loaf

One cup of hot mashed potatoes, one cup of nut meats, one cup of bread crumbs, two eggs, milk and butter. Chop the nuts, put them into a basin, add the hot potatoes, a little salt and pepper, the eggs well beaten, the bread crumbs and enough milk to form into a stiff paste. Make into a neat loaf, lay on a buttered tin, place a few pieces of butter over the top and bake in a hot oven until brown. A cup of hot water should be poured into the pan when set to bake. This with a tablespoon of butter, makes a rich enough liquid for baking. The sauce left in the pan should be slightly thickened and poured around the loaf when served on a hot platter.

O’Brien Potatoes

Six raw potatoes, one pint of milk, two tablespoons of flour, butter size of an egg, one teaspoon of salt, one-fourth teaspoon of pepper, one chopped green pepper, half a cup of grated cheese. Peel and cut potatoes into dice, mix with the chopped green pepper and put into a greased fireproof dish. Add the milk gradually to the flour, then add salt, pepper and butter and pour over potatoes. Sprinkle the cheese over the top. Bake in a moderate oven for one hour. Serve hot.

Potato Pie

Four or five large sweet potatoes, one cup of sugar, half a cup of butter, one teaspoon of powdered cinnamon, half a teaspoon of powdered allspice, one tablespoon of vinegar, two tablespoons of flour, one cup of water, some pastry. First boil, peel and slice the potatoes, then line a pan with good pastry; put in a layer of potatoes and part of the sugar, flour, seasonings, and butter, the latter cut in bits, over the top of the layer. Then add another layer of sweet potatoes, sugar, flour and butter. Add the water, vinegar and top crust. Bake in a moderate oven until ready. .

Union Square Style

Boil, peel and mash fine six potatoes. Add one tablespoon of butter, minced parsley and half an onion minced very fine. Add yolks of two eggs, beaten very light, then form the potatoes into balls and throw them for two minutes into boiling water; take out, brush with the whites of the eggs, roll in powdered bread crumbs and fry in boiling lard. Drain and serve with fish or meat.

A B C of potato cookery


Here are more potato recipes:

How to Cook Potatoes

Ways of Serving Potatoes