master recipes ryzon baking book

Three Master Recipes

Try these three Master Recipes from the Ryzon Baking Book.


Elizabeth O. Hiller
Denver School of Cookery

Ryzon Steamed Snowballs

1/2 cup butter
1 level cup sugar
2 1/4 level cups flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
3 1/2 level teaspoons Ryzon
1/2 cup milk
1 teaspoon orange extract
Whites 4 eggs

Cream butter, add sugar gradually, stirring constantly. Sift together flour, salt and Ryzon, add to first mixture alternately with milk. Add extract. Then cut and fold in whites of eggs beaten until stiff.
Fill buttered cups two-thirds full. Arrange cups in a steamer, place steamer over boiling water, cover cips with buttered paper (buttered side down), adjust cover and steam 35 minutes. Serve with Hot Marshmallow Sauce.

Marion Harris Neil
Home Economics Expert and Writer

Ryzon Delicious Popovers

1 level teaspoonful Ryzon
1 level cupful (4 ounces) flour
1 level teaspoonful salt
2 eggs
1 cupful (1/2 pint) milk

Mix flour, Ryzon and salt together and sift them twice into a basin. Beat up eggs and add them gradually with milk to flour mixture; rub through a strainer or sieve and divide into hot, well greased, popover molds. The molds should be a little more than one-half full. Bake for 35 minutes in a moderate oven. The oven door should be kept closed until the mixture has a firm enough crust to keep its shape when the door is opened. Sufficient for twelve popovers.

Mrs. Harriet Cole Emmons
Manager Ryzon Service Staff

Ryzon Dumplings

4 level teaspoonfuls Ryzon
2 level cupfuls (1/2 pound) flour
1 level teaspoonful salt
1 tablespoonful (1/2 ounce) shortening
7/8 cupfuls (scant 1/2 pint) milk and water

Mix flour, Ryzon and salt together and sift them into a bowl, add shortening and cut it in with a knife or rub it in with the tips of the fingers. Add liquid gradually, and drop from a spoon on the top of a boiling pot pie. Cover closely and do not remove cover for about twenty minutes. Serve immediately. Sufficient for ten dumplings.

PDF: Ryzon Baking Book 1917