8 Delicious Punches from one basic recipe with variations
Here are eight luscious fruit punches, all very simple to make because they are based on a single recipe. Yet all the flavors are different-enticing and dainty-due to clever variations.
They were worked out by an expert; so if you make them as directed they’ll be assured success.
8 Delicious Punch Recipes
Fruit Punches
Basic Recipe
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 cup orange juice
Grated rind of half an orange
1 tablespoon grated lemon rind
1 quart water
3/4 cup sugar (more may be added if desired)
Cook the sugar and water for three minutes, cool and add any one of the following combinations of ingredients.
Different punches may be made by adding any of the following combinations to the above basic recipe.
Variation 1
1 quart of ginger ale
1/4 cup of preserved ginger cut fine
Variation 2
1 quart tea
1/2 cup Maraschino cherries, cut fine
Variation 3
1 glass of currant or grape jelly dissolved in 1 cup hot water; cook and add
1/4 cup mint finely minced
Garnish the pitcher with mint sprays
Variation 4
1 cup grated pineapple
1 pint charged water
More sugar if desired
Variation 5
2 cups watermelon pulp
1/2 cup raisins cut fine
1/2 cup sugar
Variation 6
1 glass crabapple jelly, melted
Juice 4 more oranges
1 cup iced water
1 pint charged water
Variation 7
3 tablespoons grated cucumber rind
1 pint loganberry juice
1/4 cup sugar
Variation 8
1 pint raspberry juice
Whole raspberries
1 pint charged water
Charged water can be seltzer or soda water.