I have an unfailing suggestion that will rival any beauty doctor in the world. It is truly wonderful— just smile. I always wrinkle up my eyes when I laugh. It brings dimples into play in the most unexpected places.
PERHAPS you don’t know that the old age wrinkles that come from smiling are much different from all other’ wrinkles. I think this is a real beauty secret, don’t you? And it is such a good secret that Miss Carroll McComas of the Marriage Market company wants to share it with all of you.
If you had been in my place you would have felt rather helpless before this lady of many talents, for Miss McComas can dance divinely, sing adorably, whistle like a veritable mocking bird and smile more attractively than all of these put together. And now you will all say that she must be well night perfect. She is. And She is going to talk to you now about her greatest attraction.
I was standing in the wings when she danced out, flushed and adorable, from a dance number, and she wrinkled up her pretty face in her never to be forgotten smile when I told her what I wanted.
“Oh, yes, I have an unfailing suggestion that will rival any beauty doctor in the world,” she said, “It is truly wonderful—just smile. I used to think about my smile, but now I just smile and let the rest take care of itself, for I am perfectly conscious of the fact that people who laugh a lot can never be lonely. Our friends never notice it if we are, they are too busy being amused at our smiling countenances.”
“I always wrinkle up my eyes when I laugh; it brings dimples into play in the most unexpected places. Yes, wrinkles, too, I know, but wrinkles that come from cheerfulness never hurt.
They are only dimples deepened a trifle, not the dreadful creases that come from unhappiness and tears. I wrinkle up my nose, too, when I laugh; it adds to the general effect. I feel my smile down to my finger tips, and even down to my feet. When I smile I really give my whole self up to it, and I believe in smiling freely. I like to have people know me by my smile, because I try to have it reflect my true appreciation of everything there is to smile at in this dear funny old world. I believe in smiling about our failures as well as our successes. Who was it that said so aptly, ‘If we smile about a trouble it’s a bubble blown away’? Oh, it takes grit to laugh when we are down. I know it, but does it do any good to cry? And it is such a comfortable feeling to know that we are being beautiful all the time.
That is a compensation that atones for any heartache.
“Perhaps it would not be too strange to add a word right here about whistling. To anyone who wants a pretty mouth, this suggestion will be invaluable. Some girls can’t whistle, but everyone knows how to go about it, and whistling results in four distinct beauty rules. You hardly believe that possible, do you, but I can prove to you that it is so. First of all, it inflates and therefore develops the lungs with each deep breath that is taken. Everyone knows how very important a good breathing apparatus is to any beauty devotee. Then second, whistling keeps the muscles around the mouth firm, preventing the sagging of approaching age. Third, it prevents all possibility of a double -chin; and. fourth, it imparts to the mouth a tender, coaxing expression. This last may sound rather frivolous in face of others, but I think it will appeal to most girls of today!
Someday whistling is going to play a larger part in the world at large, than it does just at present, but until it does, practice it whenever you can, and above all, don’t forget to distribute your smiles far and wide. Smiling brings to us all winsome youth and interesting old age.”
To any one who wants a pretty mouth this suggestion will be invaluable It inflates and therefore develops the lungs with each breath that is taken. That is important.