
A wonderful, wonderful party cake-with no shortening!

It isn’t a butter cake. It doesn’t take a mite of precious shortening-for all its melting richness!

It isn’t a regular sponge cake, either. It uses just three eggs!

But it’s the finest, lightest luxury cake you’d ever dream of seeing in days of wartime shortages and wartime budgets. And Swans Down is the reason why!
For Swans Down Cake Flour is especially made for making cakes-to give them that delicate texture, that truly marvelous tenderness.

Swans Downs Spring Beauty Cake

1 cup sifted Swans Down Cake Flour
1 teaspoon Calumet Baking Powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
2 teaspoons lemon juice
6 tablespoons hot milk

Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift together three times. Beat eggs with rotary egg beater until thick enough to stand up in soft peaks. (5-7 minutes); add sugar gradually, beating constantly. Add lemon juice. Fold in flour, a small amount at a time. Add hot milk and stir quickly until thoroughly blended. Turn at once into ungreased tube pan and bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 35 minutes or until done. Remove from oven and invert pan 1 hour or until cold. Remove form pan, Pile Strawberry Fluff Topping on top of cake.

Strawberry Fluff Topping

Combine 1 egg white, unbeaten, 1/2 cup sugar, dash of salt and 1/3 cup sliced strawberries in top of double boiler and beat with rotary egg beater until thoroughly mixed. Place over rapidly boiling water, beat constantly with rotary beater, and cook 3 minutes, or until mixture will stand in soft peaks. Remove from heat and fold in 1/3 cup sliced strawberries.
(All measurements are level)


Bonus: A Monograph on Muffins, 1923
