Ally is on safety patrol at school. She attended her patrol training before school started. This brings back so many memories for me because I was on safety patrol, too. Her belt is neon green-yellow and soft nylon and mine was bright orange and sort of plastic-y. She has am and pm patrol and is excused from patrol on Monday and Wednesday in the afternoon because of dance.
She really enjoys it and I’m so proud of her for applying and being chosen.
It works out nicely because we drive Zachary to school in the morning and if she has patrol, we take her, too. The elementary and middle schools are next door to one another, so it’s painless. Gotta love painless. 😀
They built a new parking lot between the schools and both schools share it. Ally wasn’t happy about this. That area between the schools is where they used to hold Fitness Friends (School walking and running incentive) and now she wants to know where Fitness Friends is going to be. She claims there isn’t a better location for it. HAH!
It’s adorable to see these young kids showing such leadership, responsibility and concern for others. I think it’s a wonderful character building opportunity for her. I really love the teamwork that’s involved, too.
Here’s to a wonderful 4th grade year, Punky-Lou! And don’t forget how lucky you are that you aren’t responsible for the school flag!
At her school the boy scouts handle that. It was a lot of pressure for me to fold, unfold and make sure it never touched the ground! HAHA!
Side note: Dear Ally, If one of the friendly bus drivers has a son your age at another school, and you meet him 4 years from now in middle school, don’t think it’s fate or destiny. Just trust me on this. He’s just one frog among many before you meet your prince.
I thought that might make you laugh, mom.