Real Cherry Cobbler
Take advantage of cherry time and make a cherry cobbler as a cobbler should be made. Then you will enjoy a tempting dessert that is a real delicacy.
The crust must be tender and flaky and not tough or soggy even after the juice is poured over it.
When made with Crisco it is tender and flaky.
Besides it is exceptionally delicate and you get the natural sweetness of the fruit.
Crisco is wholly vegetable, the rich ream of edible oil, Veing pure and delicate, it makes the lightest, flakiest pastry imaginable.
Being tasteless and odorless it permits natural shadings of flavor to be brought out fully. Foods in which it is used taste better.
Crisco is used successfully in all recipes that call for butter as shortening. Butter contains water and curd. As Crisco is all shortening one-fifth less is required. As it costs but half as much per pound to use Crisco is to secure better results for less money.
Try it.
Cherry Cobbler
Extra good when all cherries are ripe, but delicious all year ’round
1 1/2 cupsfuls flour
1 1/2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
1 teaspoonful salt
1 tablespoonful Crisco
1/2 cupful milk
1 quart stoned cherries
1 1/2 cupfuls sugar
(Use accurate level measurements)
Sift flour, baking powder and salt. Work the Crico in flour with tips of fingers. When well mixed add the milk. Put the cherries into an oblong pan, cutting openings in top to allow escape of steam.
Put an inverted cup in the center of pan. This prevents dough from laying on fruit and becoming soaked with juice. Then place dough over all. Bake in moderate oven until crust is brown and cherries tender. This recipe is sufficient for six generous helpings half the size of the double portion illustrated. Canned cherries may be used. In this case, it fruit has been sweetened, omit sugar and save juice from can to be served with cobbler.