Topics notice: Seasonal topics are still discussed in the month they occur even though editorial calendar reflects a month in advance

Each month will feature fun national holidays, vintage recipes and nostalgia. I will update this periodically. 

If you have topics that you’d like to see discussed, contact me and please let me know.


Frugal Living– Goal setting. Money management, career and balance, tax tips, track spending, household binder/notebook.
Food– Desserts, muffin tin recipes, avoiding food waste, movie and book recipes, winter greens, plus supercharged juices , easy meals, healthy snacks, comfort foods, stockpiling, baking breads focus on beef and seasonal produce such as avocados, broccoli, cabbage, celery, collards, endive, grapefruit, kale, oranges, rutabagas, tangerines, winter squash.
Leisure– Superbowl, houseplants, indoor games, seeds, hobbies and crafts
Home and family– New Years, Valentine’s day, date nights, pets, post holidays, home office, appliances, white sales, seasonal shopping, blooming plants, bringing in color. Clear the clutter once and for all! Making your home more efficient.
Health– Fitness, beauty, cold and flu, indoor workouts, natural remedies.


Frugal Living– Green living, Reduce, reuse, recycle tips, homemade cleaners, combat winter.
Food– Breakfasts, Amish recipes, crockpot cooking, cast iron cooking, focus on chicken, kid approved recipes and seasonal produce such as avocados, broccoli, cabbage, celery, endive, grapefruit, oranges, rutabagas.
Leisure– Spring garden, hobbies and crafts
Home and family– Valentine’s Day, Date nights, spring cleaning, marriage and relationships, home decorating, St Patrick’s day, laundry room, stain removal,
Health– Weight loss, pamper yourself, portion control, healthy habits


Frugal Living– Simple living, frugal indulgences, frugal substitutes, uses for common items.
Food– Lunches. Pantry, quick cooking, focus on pork and seasonal produce such as artichokes, healthier cookies, avocados, bananas, beans (green & wax), broccoli, cabbage, celery, endive, grapefruit, nectarines, pineapples, onions, oranges, rutabagas, spinach.
Leisure– Spring activities, small space gardening, container gardens, herb gardens, window boxes, garden junk(art), collectibles, hobbies and crafts
Home and family– Home improvement, Easter, journaling, spring cleaning before and after, green cleaning
Health– Allergies, aches and pains, headaches, emotional eating


Frugal Living– Green living, prepare for emergencies, identify money leaks.
Food– Dinners, five ingredients or less, homemade baby food, food mash-ups, vegetarian, meatless meals and seasonal produce such as asparagus, artichokes, avocados, bananas, beans (green & wax), celery, grapefruit, tomatoes, nectarines, pineapples, onions, radishes, rhubarb, spinach, watercress, frozen foods.
Leisure– Vegetable gardening, summer living, hobbies and crafts
Home and family– Weddings, Mother’s Day, pregnancy and baby, fairy gardens
Health– Natural remedies, vitamins and supplements


Frugal Living– Negotiating prices and haggling. Spending now to save later. Making the most of your multi-use appliances.
Food– Snacks. salads, backyard grilling, eating local, wraps and roll-ups, organic food, popcorn recipes, solar cooking, grinding grains focus on herbs and spices and seasonal produce such as asparagus, bananas, beets, onions, blueberries, cabbage, cantaloupe, celery, corn, cucumbers, grapefruit, green or wax beans, green onions, lemons, lettuce, nectarines, oranges, peas, pineapples, plums, raspberries, radishes, rhubarb, strawberries, spinach, squash, watercress. Restaurant-inspired dishes to whip up at home (Clones)
Leisure– Outdoor fun, flea markets, estate sales, camping, summer reading, parties, garage sales, auctions, hobbies, old fashioned lost arts
and crafts, dumpster diving
Home and family– Graduation, summer break, home scents, household solutions, SAHM and SAHD sanity savers
Health– Outdoor walking, fitness tools


Frugal Living– Summer jobs, family spending, holiday and special occasion gift-giving tips
Food– Breakfasts, homemade popsicles,  camping recipes, blue ribbon fair recipes, Marinades, grilling, salads, light meals, no cook meals, U Pick farms and farmer’s markets, burger recipes, frozen drinks and desserts, canning and freezing, picnics focus on pasta and salads and seasonal produce such as apples, apricots, asparagus, bananas, onions, blackberries, blueberries, cabbage, cantaloupe, celery, cherries, corn, cucumbers, green or wax beans, green onions, lemons, limes, lettuce, nectarines, okra, peas, pineapples, plums, raspberries, radishes, rhubarb, strawberries, squash, tomatoes, watercress, watermelon, taming sweet tooth,
Leisure– Summer travel, boredom busters, homemade kids craft recipes, hobbies and crafts
Home and family– Father’s Day, summer porches and outdoor spaces, 4th of July, crafts, pest prevention, birthday party ideas, pets
Health– Summer safety, skin protection, exercise equipment, hair styles


Frugal Living: DIY, stockpiling, frugal challenges to help you stay on track.
Food– Lunches, veggie meals, dehydrators, cooking for two, food processors, smoothies, homemade mixes, garden vegetables and seasonal produce such as apples, apricots, blackberries, blueberries, cabbage, cantaloupe, celery, chard, cherries, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, green or wax beans, green onions, green peppers, lemons, lima beans, limes, lettuce, nectarines, okra, peaches, peas, plums, squash, tomatoes, watercress, watermelon. Summer food staples.
Leisure– Gardening, day trips, hobbies and crafts
Home and family– Back to school, DIY topics, moving tips, outdoor fun and games. 4th of July
Health– Homemade beauty, hair and skin care


Frugal Living– Green Living, getting family on board, financial pitfalls, avoiding deprivation
Food– Dinners. school lunches, slow cooker, cooking for a crowd, after school snacks, ice cream cakes and seasonal produce such as apples, apricots, watermelon, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, celery, chard, corn, cucumbers, rice recipes, eggplant, grapes, green or wax beans, green onions, green peppers, lima beans, limes, melons, nectarines, peaches, peas, pears, plums, summer squash, tomatoes. What’s for dinner.
Leisure– Thrift store shopping, garage sales, hobbies and crafts
Home and family– Fall fun, entertaining, decorating, choosing appliances
Health– Home beauty tips, drugstore make-up, types of hairbrushes.


Frugal Living– Simple living, back to school, supplemental income, home businesses
Food– Snacks, cakes (poke cakes) pressure cookers, freezer meals, cooking for one, focus on apple recipes, dried bean recipes and seasonal produce such as apples, cantaloupe, celery, chard, corn, cucumbers, grapes, green peppers, lima beans, nectarines, pears, tomatoes, school and work lunches.
Leisure– TV shows, hobbies and crafts, trash to treasure
Home and family– Winterizing, Halloween, holiday planning, time management. Save on birthdays.
Health– Inspiration


Frugal Living: Utilities, emergency funds, frugal books guide
Food– Breakfast. makeover your fridge What’s for dinner. compound butters, quick breads, meal planning, dutch oven cooking focus on pumpkin recipes and seasonal produce such as apples, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chard, cranberries, escarole, grapes, green peppers, lima beans, parsley, pears, pumpkins, rutabagas, winter squash, tomatoes, turnips.
Leisure– Hobbies and crafts
Home and family– Halloween, Thanksgiving, schedules, routines, chores, cold weather tips
Health– Motivation


Frugal Living– Simple Living, household solutions
Food– Lunches, spice blends, In a Jar recipes, fudge, budget meals and planovers, cookie recipes, gifts in a jar focus on desserts, sides, quick breads, homemade treats and seasonal produce such as apples, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cranberries, endive, grapefruit, grapes, lima beans, mushrooms, parsley, rutabagas, winter squash, turnips.
Leisure– Winter travel, homemade gifts, hobbies and crafts
Home and family– Thanksgiving, Christmas, last minute gifts, decluttering, decorating, volunteering and charity, gratitude, humor.
Health– Depression, stress management, emotional health


Frugal Living:  Christmas. empty nesters, senior living, Taxes, after Christmas sales, gift closet.
Food– Dinners. Make ahead mixes, Dips, Party punches, appetizers, Seasonal fruits, soups, cookies, leftover holiday meals and baking supplies and seasonal produce such as apples, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, collards, cranberries, endive, grapefruit, kale, mushrooms, oranges, parsley, rutabagas, winter squash, turnips.
Leisure– Winter fun, bulb forcing, hobbies and crafts
Home and family– New Year’s resolutions, emergency planning, frugal gifts for the guys in your life, Terrariums, succulents, pasta, pork, chicken, veggies, fruits, beef, grains. stocking stuffers, a round up of fun Christmas sites and apps, frugal gifts for pets (can include homemade treats and toys). Or last-minute Christmas gifts on a budget.
Health–Sleep and relaxation topics. Homemade beauty.